Last update: May 23, 2023

This is an election being held to fill the one remaining position for a graduate student representative on the Okanagan Senate for a term ending March 31st, 2019. 

Voting Instructions

  1. Go to your SSC and find  "WebVote" under the "Grades and Records" menu
  2. Click “Vote” under “2018 Okanagan Graduate Student Senator" Eeection
  3. Vote for your preferred candidate by clicking on the box next to the candidate’s name
  4. Click on “Submit Vote” then click “ok” to confirm your submission before logging out.

Polls will close at 4:00 pm on Tuesday, April 3rd, 2018

Candidate Information

Maher AlHawarneh

My name is Maher AlHawarneh and I am a 1st-year civil engineering Ph.D. student at UBC Okanagan and recently finished my master degree at UBC Okanagan. I have worked with the UBCSUO during my master degree, currently, I am the grad-student representative in UBCSUO. In addition to that,I was an executive member of MSA (Muslim Student Association) and Vic President of CSCE (Canadian Society of Civil Engineering) which enabled me to work on previous events at UBC like the  CSCE industry night  (2016-2017), Misconception about Islam(2016), Eid-event (2015-2017).Acting as grad-student representative exposed me to grade students experience that increased my understanding of the grad students expectations during their study; I have a good idea of the mentality and sense of environment at any given time on campus. This ability is important to have to find the most efficient method for the betterment of UBC.

Megan Harper

My name is Megan Harper and I am willing to serve as a student representative on the Okanagan
Senate for a period of one year from April 1, 2018. I am currently a 2nd year PhD student in the
School of Health and Exercise Sciences within the Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies (IGS)
program. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to serve as a graduate student representative
for a second year.


Contact if you have any questions or if you experience difficulty voting.