Our Vision

A UBC community where everyone is welcomed, every student is empowered, every faculty and staff partner is supported, and every team member is valued.

Our Mission

We provide exceptional enrolment and registrarial services in a collaborative, innovative, and inclusive environment.

The Business Solutions and Support team (formerly Student Systems Management) works closely with the Integrated Service Centre (ISC), UBC IT, and other key stakeholders in providing technical and operational support of the Workday student ecosystem. This includes training, access management, and...


Senate and Curriculum Services supports a range of elections and search committees for the University and community partners. 

Thanks to the generosity of donors and faculties, UBC is able to offer many awards to undergraduate students.  Departments will help adjudicate/recommend over 900 awards annually. ...

Learn more about transfer credits at UBC including how transfer credit is granted, how to view transfer credits, transfer credit articulation and links to additional resources.

Tuition and Fees for New Programs ...

Prospective employers, academic institutions and other authorized third-parties: ...


The Graduation Department is responsible for the overall coordination of the University's graduating students. The unit coordinates the graduation application, degree conferral, and diploma printing. ...

The Academic Calendar is a comprehensive guide to all programs, courses, services, and policies at the University of British Columbia. The Calendar also serves as a record of many University academic policies and procedures. The online Calendar is the official Calendar.

Student Financial Services works closely with the Development Office to steward donor relations, ensure that awards are administered in a manner that upholds the donors’ intentions and spirit, and award and disburse funds to students in a timely manner.

Scheduling, Records & Systems Management (SRSM) manages academic course and exam scheduling, classroom bookings, course registration, graduation, transcripts, transfer credit coordination, and academic record support ...

Student Recruitment & Undergraduate Admissions ensures that both the Vancouver and Okanagan campuses achieve their goals for domestic student enrolment. The Admissions team receives, evaluates and processes applications for undergraduate admission into academic programs at UBC. The recruiting...

KEY TOPICS Transfer Credit

Student Support & Advising provides advice and support to prospective and current students across all areas of Enrolment Services, through dedicated advisors – Enrolment Services Advisors.  ...

Senate and Curriculum Services supports the academic governance of the University through the Vancouver and Okanagan Senates, the Council of Senates, Senate committees, and the Faculty Councils. ...

Strategic Indigenous Enrolment Initiatives is a collaborative function with Enrolment Services units, The First Nations House of Learning at the Vancouver campus, Aboriginal Programs and Services at the Okanagan campus, and Student Engagement. ...

Student Financial Management is responsible for the financial management of all aspects of the student and university loan accounts for current and previous students, the administration of scholarships and bursary programs, and ensures that the university fulfills its responsibilities as a...

The Enrolment Services team provides enrolment and registrarial services at UBC. ...

The Business Solutions and Support team (formerly Student Systems Management) works closely with the Integrated Service Centre (ISC), UBC IT, and other key stakeholders in providing technical and operational support of the Workday student ecosystem. This includes training, access management, and...