Elections recently closed for the following elections and results are available on WebVote:
- Okanagan Student Board of Governors Representative
- Student Senator representing the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (also known as the Barber School of Arts and Science)
A second call for nominations for student Senate representatives from the Faculties of Creative and Critical Studies (1), Education (1), Management (1), and Human and Social Development (1) closed on Monday, March 11th at 4pm.
Positions for graduate student senators (2), student senators-at-large (6), and the senators for the Faculty of Applied Science, Arts and Science, Management, and Creative and Critical Studies have been filled in the first two rounds of nominations.
Positions remain vacant for student senators representing the Faculties of Health and Social Development and Education. A third call for nominations will be issued in mid-March.
Please contact elections.information@ubc.ca with any requests for information. The Senate membership webpage will be updated shortly.