Last update: May 23, 2023

I am honoured to be nominated. As a faculty representative, I would bring important perspectives to UBC’s Board of Governors. I have experience working with diverse communities (e.g., rural, northern and urban; marginalized groups; philanthropic organizations) and I have excellent working relationships with a range of provincial and federal government ministries as well as other public sector entities (e.g., research funding councils). I have a strong knowledge of current and emerging issues affecting universities within Canadian and international contexts. I understand the roles and responsibilities of BoG members and have experience serving on boards, including as a current member of the Governing Council for the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

I am employed as a Professor at UBC’s School of Population & Public Health. My research focuses on social health inequalities and young people. Over the past 20 years, my work has informed policy and program interventions pertaining to substance use, gender-based violence, mental health, and sexual/reproductive health. I have served as Director of UBC’s Human Early Learning Partnership and, most recently, as the Director of the Epidemiology and Population Health Director of the Drug Treatment Program, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS. I also co-founded UBC’s CampOUT!, which has to date provided leadership and advocacy training for 600+ LGBTQ2-S youth from across BC. I have long had a deep and abiding interest, both personal and professional, in the issues facing our university community, and I remain keen to tackle the challenges and engage in opportunities to make a difference.

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