Last update: September 25, 2019

A resource for faculty and staff responding to students who disclose that they have been sexually assaulted

What is sexual assault?

Sexual assault is any unwanted sexual contact within or outside a relationship

Sexual assault is a crime and is never the fault of the survivor

Sexual assault affects people of all ages, genders, and sexual orientations


What to expect when someone discloses a sexual assault

Survivors of sexual assault will express a range of emotional and physical symptoms. Sexual assault is never the fault of the survivor and each may react differently. Survivors are the experts in determining what steps and supports are best for them.

Remember, it's their choice what services and supports they may choose to use, if any.

Your role

Responding to and supporting someone who has been sexually assaulted can be complex but chances are they have come to you because they trust you. Be compassionate, respectful, and supportive. Ensure they can access resources.

If you have received a disclosure of sexual misconduct, witnessed sexual misconduct, or are supporting someone who has experienced sexual misconduct, you can get individualized information, advice, and assistance through the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office.