At its meeting of December 5th, 2019, the University's Board of Governors approved a proposal to divide the Faculty of Arts and Sciences on the Okanagan Campus (also known as the Barber School of Arts and Sciences) into two autonomous new faculties. As a result, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Science will be established on the Okanagan Campus in July 2020.
Search Committee for the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
The Departments of Community, Culture and Global Studies; Economics, Philosophy and Political Science; History and Sociology; and, Psychology will be transferred to the new Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences upon its establishment in July 2020.
A third and final call for nominations for the two remaining positions for Faculty Members and one graduate student closed at 4:00pm on Wednesday, February 12th, 2020.
Faculty members (2 positions remain available) - Polls closed Friday, February 28, 2020.
Eligible faculty members are all persons with the rank of professor, associate professor or assistant professor, instructors, senior instructors, lecturers and professors of teaching are eligible. Clinical, adjunct, emeritus, sessional, partner, and honorary faculty are not eligible.
Two faculty members were acclaimed as elected in the first round of nominations: Jan Cioe and Alison Conway
Graduate Student (1 postition available) - VACANT
Undergraduate Student - Jacob Virens was elected by acclamation in the second call for nominations
Click here for guidance as to which programs will be administered by the new facutlies.
Search Committee for the Dean of the Faculty of Science
The Departments of Biology; Chemistry; Earth Environmental and Geographic Sciences; and, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics will be transferred to the new Faculty of Science upon its establishment in July 2020.
Faculty members (1 position remains available) - Christina Haston was elected to this position in an election that closed February 10th, 2020.
Eligible faculty members are all persons with the rank of professor, associate professor or assistant professor, instructors, senior instructors, lecturers and professors of teaching are eligible. Clinical, adjunct, emeritus, sessional, partner, and honorary faculty are not eligible.
Three faculty members were acclaimed as elected in the first round of nominations: Karen Hodges, Edward Hornibrook and Ramon Lawrence.
Graduate Student (1 postition available) - Riley Petillion was accalimed as elected in the second round of nominations.
Undergraduate Student (1 position available) - Ashley Stasuk was elected to this position in an election that closed January 30th, 2020.
Click here for guidance as to which programs will be administered by the new facutlies.
Submitting a Nomination
The third and final call for nominations for the remaining positions on the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Committee closed at 4:00pm Wednesday, Febraury 12th, 2020. Instructions for completing and submitting the forms is on the forms themselves. Completed forms should be scanned and emailed to along with a personal statement of no more than 250 words in support of the nominee's candidacy. Deadlines and word limits are strictly observed.
This election is being held under Joint Board and Senate Policy AP5 .
Regulations governing this election
Please contact if you have any questions.