Last update: October 26, 2018


Early Alert: A student's perspective

On this page:

Students concerned about other students

Are you a student who's concerned about another student?

Find out how you can help your classmate or friend.


How will Early Alert work? What happens if I’m contacted?

Faculty and staff are here to support your learning and success. When you’re facing difficulties, they may reach out to you directly. They may also identify their concerns using Early Alert.

Early Alert doesn’t replace the way that faculty and staff already support you when you need assistance. Instead, the support offered is simply enhanced.

Trained advisors review the information sent by faculty and staff and identify the most appropriate resources to support you.  If you are an undergraduate student, an academic advisor will contact you to discuss the concerns and offer to connect you with relevant resources and support.  If you are a graduate student, support will be offered by a staff or faculty advisor who is not directly involved with your academic supervision.

Learn more about how Early Alert works.

Who is this for?

Early Alert is meant to provide support to any student, undergraduate or graduate, who might need assistance because of a temporary setback or an ongoing difficulty that puts their academic success at risk.

Can I refer myself to Early Alert, or can I use Early Alert if I’m concerned about another student?

You cannot refer yourself to Early Alert, but proactively reaching out for help is an important step in ensuring your success and wellbeing.

Currently, only faculty and staff are able to use Early Alert to identify concerns about students.

Students at UBC’s Vancouver campus: You should speak with your faculty advising office, instructor, or teaching assistant if you are facing difficulties. You are also encouraged to contact Counselling Services, Student Health Service or other on-campus supports, depending on your needs. Concerned about another student? Learn how you can help.

Students at UBC’s Okanagan campus: Students are encouraged to speak with academic advising, their instructor, or teaching assistant if they are facing difficulties. Students are also encouraged to contact Health and Wellness or other support resources, depending on their needs. Concerned about another student? Learn how you can help.

Does Early Alert affect my academic record, or decisions related to funding or academic progress?

Information sent to Early Alert is in no way associated with your academic record, or decisions related to funding or academic progress. Information within the system is not accessible by anyone other than authorized advisors directly involved in supporting your success

Is this a disciplinary program?

Early Alert is not a disciplinary program. The goal is to help provide you with relevant resources and support as soon as possible so that you are better able to reach your academic and personal goals.

Frequently asked questions

More frequently asked questions about Early Alert.