Student mental health is instrumental in students’ academic engagement and success. The entire campus community plays a role in helping students feel confident, capable, and supported. UBC’s focus on people, undergraduate and graduate student experiences, and the development of a vibrant intellectual community are significantly strengthened through a commitment to student mental health and wellbeing.
Commitment to Continuous Improvement
Continuous review of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy will continue to be conducted to assess progress, identify priorities, and inform strategy development and resource allocation toward achieving outcomes.
This regular review is informed by consultation with key stakeholder groups and available data . This includes aggregate data and research on student experience and wellbeing as well as usage and outcome data collected from programs and services.
The Strategy is informed by Student Learning Goals from Place and Promise: The UBC Plan
- Enhance the quality and impact of teaching for all students.
- Expand educational enrichment opportunities, in- cluding research, a first year small class experience, international learning, community service learning, and co-op / practicum / internship opportunities.
- Support student wellbeing, personal development, and positive affiliation with UBC through outstanding campus life programs and service excellence.
Levels of intervention
While it is important to focus on students in need of professional intervention and care, without a more integrated approach to mental health and wellbeing we will not structurally and systemically impact our community in ways that broadly support mental health and wellbeing for all students.
- All students
- Students wanting / needing skill development
- Students needing professional intervention / care, and students with more complex and serious concerns