Last update: August 20, 2024

The Call for Proposals for the Winter 2024 session (September 1, 2024 - April 30, 2025) is now closed. If you have any questions, please contact


The Work Learn Program supports and subsidizes meaningful work experiences on campus that offer the opportunity for all current UBC students to develop their professional skills and learn in a work environment. Work Learn offers students the opportunity through the experiential learning outcomes to: pursue mentorship opportunities, develop professional and personal skills, apply discipline specific knowledge, expand their network, demonstrate ownership and responsibility of work, develop self-awareness and reflection, contribute to the University as a whole.


The Work Learn program funds approximately 3,500 experiential learning opportunities each year. Learn more about the role of Work Learn supervisors and students:

Work Learn positions are part-time hourly appointments and must fit within the appropriate rates and conditions as outlined in the Position Classification Guide Winter 2024 / Summer 2024Employers within the Work Learn Program are faculty, staff, and affiliates with UBC Vancouver Payroll accounts with which to pay the student(s).  Employers are expected to pay the student’s full hourly wage as the student incurs hours. The Work Learn subsidy is currently $9 per hour.

Work Learn Cycles

  Dates Weekly Hours Limit Max. Reimbursable Hours
Summer May 1 – August 31 20 hours/week* 300 hours*
Winter September 1 – April 30 10 hours/week 300 hours

*Please note: Office/Library Worker positions are limited to 10 hours a week and 180 hours for the summer cycle*

Student Eligibility

Supervisor must ensure that each student employee is eligible through the entire session to hold a Work Learn position as per the Student Eligibility Requirements (includes details on student eligibility criteria for domestic and international undergraduate, graduate, students in their last term of courses and graduating)

For the purposes of this program, 'current UBC students' are defined as students who are currently registered in credit courses at UBC-Vancouver and have a valid UBC student number. Eligibility criteria depending on degree level, and registration status is fully detailed on the Work Learn student website. Students are only eligible to hold one Work Learn/Co-op/Undergraduate Research position at a time.

Work Learn also subsidizes professors to hire students to work on summer research projects through the Work Learn International Undergraduate Research Awards Program.

Work Learn Student Stories:


Winter 2024 - Call for Proposals Timeline

Please see below for the Winter 2024 (Sept '24 – April '25) timelines:

  • Call for proposals opens: Monday, May 27, 2024
  • Call for proposals closed: Monday, June 17, 2024 by 11:59PM PST
  • Review of Work Learn proposals: Mid-June to end-July 
  • Funding announcements: July 22 – 26, 2024
  • Jobs posted on CareersOnline: July 29 – August 19, 2024 
  • Student recruitment / hiring: Mid / Late-August (hiring can extend through September)
  • Deadline to submit student appointments:
    • Thursday, August 22 (start dates between September 1 – September 8);
    • Thursday, September 5 (start dates between September 9 – September 23);
    • Friday, September 20 (start dates between Septmber 24 – October 8);
    • Monday, October 7: Final Deadline to declare INTENT or submit ALL Winter appointments
  • Work Learn placements: September 1, 2024 – April 30, 2025
  • Site Visits: October / November and February / March
  • End of Term Survey: Early April

If you need support developing/updating your Work Learn proposal, connect with the Work Learn team at

Summer 2024 - Call for Proposals Timeline

Please see below for the Summer 2024 (May – August '24) timelines:

  • Call for proposals opens: Wednesday, January 3, 2024
  • Call for proposals closed: Monday, January 22, 2024 by 11:59PM PST
  • Work Learn proposal review: Late-January/ Early-February
  • Funding announcement: March 4 –  March 8, 2024
  • Jobs posted on CareersOnline: March 11 – March 24, 2024
  • Student recruitment: mid-March to April
  • Deadline to submit student appointments:
    • Monday, April 22 (start dates between May 1 – May 8);
    • Monday, May 6 (start dates between May 9 – May 23);
    • Wednesday, May 22 (start dates between May 24 – June 8);
    • Friday, May 31: Final Deadline to declare INTENT or submit ALL Summer appointments
  • Work Learn placements: May 1, 2024 – August 31, 2024
  • Site Visits: June/July
  • Work Learn reimbursement: October 

* Review the Proposal Submission Guide. Whether you are a new or seasoned Work Learn supervisor, ensure your proposal addresses key criteria including a) job description, b) contribution to the university community, and c) student learning components.

Your involvement

Proposal Funding Decisions

Work Learn receives thousands of proposals for funding every cycle and as such, funding is not guaranteed from cycle-to-cycle, or from year-to-year. To increase your chances of receiving funding, it is a good idea to review and revise your proposal every cycle, even if you have received funding in the past.

Important considerations when submitting a Work Learn proposal for funding:

  • All funding decisions are final.
  • Late proposals are not accepted. 
  • Work Learn publishes the Submission Guide and hosts webinars during each “Call for Proposals” period  to help supervisors and administrators submit strong proposals (check the ‘Workshops and Webinars’ tab below for more information).
  • If you have questions, connect with us at well before the submission deadline.

If you have not submitted an application on Careers Online before, set up an account as soon as possible. This process can take 1-2 business days, so initiate the process well before the application deadline.

If your proposal indicates that a candidate has already been identified for the position, the position will not be posted on CareersOnline and you will not receive any student applications. If you’d like to learn how to manage your applications and student communications or generate an applicant viewbook, please contact our office at Please see the ‘Timelines’ section above for when funding announcements are made each cycle.

Step 1: Understand program purpose and proposal submission process 

Proposals submitted for the Work Learn Program serve two purposes:

  • To provide a clear and detailed job posting to communicate the work and learning opportunity to students.
  • To apply for funding through the Work Learn program’s hourly subsidy.

Please review the Work Learn Terms and Conditions

Step 2: Prepare Your Proposal
  • Review the Submission Guide, which has a series of guiding questions you will need to address when submitting your proposal through the CareersOnline submission form. 
  • Determine the job category for each role you are submitting a proposal for, see the Position Classification Guide Winter | Summer for the different types of positions and corresponding wage rates. These classifications are set and updated by UBC Human Resources. 
  • If your proposal indicates that a candidate has already been identified for the position, the position will not be posted on CareersOnline and you will not receive any student applications
Step 3: Submit Your Proposal
  • Review the Step-by-step guide on the elements you need to include in your proposal.. 
  • Log into your CareersOnline account to submit your proposal.
    • If you have not submitted an application before, set up an account on CareersOnline as soon as possible.
    • Please note: this process can take 1-2 business days, so initiate the process well before the application deadline.
  • Follow the prompting questions in CareersOnline 
Step 4: Review additional resources

Examples of Successful Proposals

Need an example of a good proposal to get you started? A few of our successful employers have agreed to share theirs with you. (*Please note that these proposals have not yet been updated to include the 'Contribution to the University' section. Please refer to the Submission Guide for exact guidelines):

Deadline to submit student appointments

Review our Appointing a Student in Work Day Guide for full instructions.

It is important to have students appointed in their positions prior to starting work. Please note that Direct Hire BPs are not routed to Payroll anymore for approval of hiring employees; however, in order for approvals to be made in time for pay period cut-offs, appointments would need to be approved by the 8th or 9th of each month to make the 15th payday and 23rd or 24th of each month to make the end of the month payday.

In order to accept our funding offer, please follow these steps:

  1. You must first ‘Create Position’ business process (BP) in Workday. This process creates the Work Learn position you want to appoint a student into using the job details provided to you in your funding announcement email, you will use the Create Position BP. Enter details into Workday by the deadlines highlighted below. For any questions about Workday or to get training on the process, please do not hesitate to contact the IRP Team.

The full terms and conditions for receiving the Work Learn subsidy are set on your Work Learn funding announcement email. Employers are expected to pay the student’s full hourly wage as the student incurs hours. The Work Learn subsidy is currently $9 per hour

Work Learn Reimbursement Schedule (see the 2024 UBC Payroll Calendar)

Winter Cycle (September 1 to April 30)

Hourly Employees

Period Start Date – Period End Date
Supervisor MUST approve hours by

Work Learn Reimbursement

September 1 – November 23, 2024 November 25, 2024 December
November 24, 2024 – February 23, 2025 February 24, 2025 March
February 24 – April 30, 2025 May 9, 2025** June

**Hours approved on Workday after this deadline, will NOT be eligible for Winter cycle reimbursement.


Summer Cycle (May 1 to August 31)

Hourly Employees

Period Start Date – Period End Date

Supervisor MUST approve hours by Work Learn Reimbursement
May 1 – August 31, 2024 September 9, 2024** October

**Hours approved on Workday after this deadline, will NOT be eligible for Summer cycle reimbursement. 


Terms and Conditions

- Work Learn operates on two sessions; Summer (May 1 – August 31) and Winter (September 1 – April 30). Summer reimbursements are processed in October. Winter reimbursements are processed (December, March, June).

- Work Learn will not reimburse hours outside of the set reimbursement dates. See chart above for session deadlines or review the 2024 UBC Payroll Calendar (opens as PDF). 

- Work Learn manually processes reimbursements based on the hours worked submitted by each student, and approved by the supervisor in Workday (see full details here). Supervisor must ensure each Work Learn appointment has ONE costing allocation associated in Workday.

- In Workday, you will see the Work Learn reimbursement reflected in the ledger account “Salaries | Student Work Learn Subsidy” in the ledger of the Worktag used to pay the Work Learn student. 

- Each pay period supervisors (or appropriate designate) are accountable for approving their student’s hours by the deadlines established by UBC Payroll to ensure their students are paid in a timely manner. The banking of Work Learn hours is not permitted. Supervisors must also ensure that students holding multiple appointments report their work learn hours correctly. Any discrepancies must be reported and fixed prior to the deadlines.

Related Workday Knowledge Base Articles for Hourly Employees

- Entering Time (Hourly Staff) (Students can only enter time for past dates if they fall within the current pay period)

- Entering Time (Manager) (Entering time on behalf of employees, for example if your student missed the payroll pay period deadline)

- FAQ: Entering or Correcting Time (includes: Can an employee enter hours retroactively? How do I track the hours worked by my Work Learn/Work Study student employee in Workday?)

For more Workday resources and help visit the Integrated Service Centre. 

Site Visits + End of Term Survey 

Virtual Site Visits

Work Learn program staff conduct site visits midway through each Work Learn term. Site visits offer us a chance to meet with you and your student(s) to hear about student and supervisor experiences, as well as to review how the student learning objectives are being reached in your students’ roles. Site visits are consistently cited by students as a powerful reflection tool for them to articulate their learning experiences and transferrable skills. We will contact you directly if you have been selected for a site visit. Here are some examples of questions that we ask during site visits.

End-of-Term survey

Supervisors and their student employees must complete the WL End-of-Session Survey. Supervisors are expected to complete the survey before the end of the term, and ensure completion by their student employee(s). The feedback from the surveys is used to expand resources and program improvements.

Resources for Supervisors

Recruitment, Interviews, and Hiring

Student Recruitment:

Before Interviews

During Interviews

After Interviews

Extend a formal offer to your desired candidates(s). Have a look at our Sample Offer Letter for some ideas.

Safety + Employee Rights


All UBC student staff must be given appropriate safety training. Visit UBC Risk Management for information and resources on New Worker Safety Orientation and Training. It is a good idea to set an annual review of safety training and procedures to ensure students have what they need in their roles.

Resources for Career Conversations with Students of Colour, Students with Disabilities and LGBTQ+ Students

UBC's Faculty and staff members play important roles as influencers informing students' career journeys in both formal and informal ways. While navigating career is complex and layered for all of us, students from *equity-seeking groups may face experiences related to systemic barriers in the workplace. 

Helping Students in Distress

If you are working with a student staff member who you feel may be in distress, it's important to take appropriate steps to follow up. UBC's Green Folder is an excellent starting point for addressing concerns while respecting a student's privacy.

Onboarding and Orientation

Supervisor and Student Guides

UBC HR Resources:

Before the student begins the position:

Once the student begins the position:

  • New Work Learn Students Template Sharing some of the interesting facts you learn about the student employee with other full-time staff members is a small act that goes a long way in integrating the Work Learn student(s) to the larger team
  • New Staff Manual Template This template can be used for positions in which a new staff manual is included in the on-boarding process
  • Learning Objectives Worksheet Having a new student set learning objectives is an excellent way of engaging them right from day one, as well a way to provide structure in following up with a student throughout their position.
  • Work Learn Program - Supervisor and Student Work Agreement This is an agreement between the employer and the student, with the aim of outlining employment expectations of both parties, to ensure an overall successful experience for the student and the employer.
Performance Management

Performance management is an ongoing process between you and your student employee that involves creating goals, assessing progress, and proving guidance and feedback along the way. The resources below can be used to guide those conversations with your student staff, evaluate their performance, and reflect on what they are learning in their roles. Remember that as a part of Work Learn, students will have differing levels of professional experience and will look to you to guide them throughout their role.

Templates and Guides:

Responding to Student Concerns

If you have a concern about the safety or well-being of a student employee, we encourage you to submit an Early Alert

Performance Reviews

Employee Recognition

Goal Setting and Professional Development

Students have identified that one of the main reasons they choose to work Work Learn jobs is to gain professional experience that will serve them after graduation. So much of what impacts a student's ability to learn on the job is their connection to you, their supervisor. The following are a series of templates you can use to help guide professional development conversations with the students you supervise.


Professional Development Plan

Offboarding and Transition

The end of the Work Learn term calls for celebrating and recognizing your student staff, reflecting on what they have learned in their placement, and planning for new (or returning students). It's also a great time to solicit feedback on how the experience was for the student, and incorporate your own learning into your next cycle of student management. Below are some resources you can use as you prepare to have end-of-term conversations with your student, ensure they are off-boarded appropriately, and prepare for your new employees.

Contact Information

Workplace Learning

Phone: (604) 822 - 8278


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