The information on this page is for UBC faculty and staff.
Students, please visit this page for instructions on Standing Deferred and Supplemental exams and this page for more information about off-campus exams.
Students granted deferred standing may be given the opportunity to write the outstanding exam by:
- Writing at the next regularly scheduled examination in the course.
- A make-up examination arranged by the department or instructor offering the course.
- Apply to write during the official SD exam period.
Students cannot apply to write an SD exam for a session that has already passed. If an SD exam is not written during the exam period for that session, the student will be responsible for contacting their academic advising office and academic unit to make alternate arrangements.
SD exam periods and application deadlines
2024 Winter session courses
SD on-campus application period: April 1 - June 8, 2025
SD off-campus application period: May 1 - June 8, 2025
SD exam period: July 21 - August 1, 2025
2025 Summer session courses
SD application period: September 3 - October 6, 2025
SD exam date: November 15, 2025
SD exam schedule
After the application deadline, Enrolment Services will build the exam schedule for the SD exam period. The finalized exam schedule will be published here when available, approximately three weeks before the start of the exam period.
Students writing on campus
Once the schedule has been finalized, it will be uploaded to Workday for students to view through the Final Exams Management System (EXMM).
An email will be sent to students to inform them that the SD exam has been scheduled and the date, time, and room location is available for them to view.
Students writing off campus at a partner centre
An email is sent to students to let them know that Enrolment Services will contact them with their date and time as soon as we have scheduled with the requested partner centre.
Our office will make arrangements with the partner centres to schedule a date and time that is within 48 hours of the on campus exam.
Once we’ve scheduled exams with partner exam centres, an email is sent to students to inform them that the SD or S exam is now scheduled and the date, time, and location is available for them to view.
Students writing off campus at a non-partner centre
On the SD application, students can request a location and must provide invigilators info.
They’ll receive email from our office once we have approved the location and have determined the invigilators meet our guidelines. The student will be informed that they may schedule the exam within 48 hours of the on-campus exam. The date must fall within the SD exam period.
Students must provide our office with the date and time to update the exam schedule record.
Procedures for staff
Online SD Exam form opens
After the application period deadline, Enrolment Services will email department contacts with:
- A list of students who have applied to write an SD exam.
- A list of required exams from your department.
- A link to the online SD Exam Submission Form in Qualtrics.
Submit SD Exam info
The online SD Exam Form should be completed by the instructor. Please forward the link to your instructors and ensure that all instructors have submitted a form for their exam by the deadline.
Deadline for 2024 Winter Session SD Exam Submissions: Monday, June 23, 2025
The form will allow instructors to submit the required SD exam info and allow them to upload their exam directly to Enrolment services or indicate if they will provide a hard copy.
- Instructors do not need to submit a form for each student.
- A separate form should be submitted for each unique exam.
- One form may be submitted for multiple sections if they have a common exam.
- All uploaded exam files must contain the course name, course number, section number, and an area for the student to write their name and student number.
Once a form has been submitted by an instructor, you as the department contact will receive an automatic email notification which includes the exam info provided by the instructor. This is for your information only and does not need to be forwarded to Enrolment Services.
For instructors who have indicated Hard copy on the automatic notification, please ensure hard copies of the exams are sent to Enrolment Services by the deadline.
End of Exam period
All SD exams will be sealed and returned to your department once the exam period is over.
Helpful hints
- Please continue to let us know as soon as possible if any students have made alternate arrangements to write their exam with their department/professor or have completed their requirements so that we can update our records.
Standing Deferred/Supplemental Exams Contact
0040–1874 East Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1
Fax: 604.822.5459
For emergencies relating to scheduled standing deferred/supplemental exams please call 604-827-1981.
For all other inquiries please email:
Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm